-Normal household chores like dishes or laundry or paying bills
-Then, since I'm a creative person, I like to throw in a little project on the side such as, 'send out remaining birth announcements' or 'transfer flowers into flower pots'.
- I might even try to do something extra such as 'hem shorts' or 'pack up boxes to be donated'.
-Apparently I need to include 'sleep' and 'eat' because it seems these don't always happen.
-And then there's the ever present home improvement section that includes major items like 'door framing in our bedroom' and 'hardwood floors'. All of which we're doing b/c we're cheap and don't want to pay anyone to do the work!
I'm learning to be patient, when, at the end of the day my plants are drying out and left unplanted, I'm still running around in unhemmed shorts and Simon still hasn't had the bath he so desperately needs. I have to remind myself (sometimes hourly) that right now my day consists of about 10 hours of nursing, pumping, and bottle feeding. It's driving me quite crazy, I believe.
And yet, these are the memoirs of any mom out there and that alone, brings me consolation. So in the meantime, despite the home improvements (hardwood floors being installed)and projects left undone (so many I can't even list), I'm determined to enjoy each day and what it brings.
So, here are some pics- mostly to prove to myself that we still are having fun, in the midst all the busy days.
P.S- Thanks so much to all of you who responded to my plea for comments. You've me encouraged me in my blogging quest!
Just in case anyone is wondering how many drinks I had before the mudslide, the answer is none. For some reason, my eyes have a hard time staying open when Becca uses the flash!
Just so you don't get the beverages mixed up Perry, you're fine! :)
Becca, you're doing a great job. Don't let the undone to do list tell you otherwise. Perhaps the fact that it IS undone says that you are focusing on the things that really matter right now?
Thanks for the photos.
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