Saturday, May 30, 2009

Lukas has been home for 2 weeks!

My head is swimming from sleep exhaustion- but it's all worth it, because Lukas is home and we're all together as a family. It's been a pretty easy transition, thanks to many friends who have brought us meals and visited me to keep me sane with adult interaction! Simon has even handled it very well and is very affectionate towards Lukas, although he runs to me with a worried expression when Lukas cries loudly. He also thinks Lukas sounds like a sheep b/c he makes so many little grunts and grumbles.

Perry has also been a huge help despite pulling crazy hours with these finals weeks. He's been up most nights until 1am or later, in order to get his work done. We feel like roommates- seeing each other in passing, but know it will be much more calm this Wednesday once he's done with his DU Spring Quarter. Bring it on!

We're also looking forward to summer (starting June 10) where we can finally slow down and enjoy family time. Enjoy the pics!

Also- if you have a chance- leave a comment so I know that we've got people reading this. With our Facebook accounts and photos posted there, I'm tempted to not use the blog unless I know we've got readers. Not to guilt you into posting a comment, but I'd love to know that this blog is worth my time or I'm likely not to do it.... Any one want to encourage me in blogging?
Daddy cuddle time

Mom and her boys! I LOVE it!
I think this watermelon is bigger than Simon!
First bath at home.


Marika said...

I'm reading! Don't stop posting. Blogging is totally worth it! :)

anonymous said...

I'm reading! I love keeping up with you from afar...

Megan said...

I check your blog too! Now that you mention should comment on mine so I know if you're reading it. :) Many many congratulations on baby Lukas - he's adorable! I remember all too well what those first few weeks are like. So cute, but why can't they let us SLEEP!??

Jennifer Sommers said...

i've been checking to see about Lukas' homecoming! So glad it's going well-considering!

Everything Belongs said...

I'm reading....I'm reading!!!!! So glad to hear things are going well. Miss you all!

The Moser Family said...

Oh Becca, please don't stop posting. I know it is only for selfish reasons, but I enjoy checking into the lives of my cousins and like using blogs to do it. Plus I can link to your Mom's picasa albulm and get some great views into a family I love dearly.
Now that we're living with Dad and Mom, she has high speed and I can show her all these great links too. :)

Welcome to your new little guy!

pjtj said...

I am stalking, er, reading your blog, too, especially since I will be keeping up with you in Texas! I am facebook illiterate, please keep the blog:) You look like one glowing mom, despite the lack of sleep.

Miriam said...

Thanks so much for posting again! i LOVE the pictures of everyone.

the masts: justin, jessica, benjamin and philip said...

Of course, I'm reading. I read more than I post. Ooops.