Friday, March 6, 2009

Simon loves to draw

We've been collecting some of Simon's drawing from the past months. Eventually I'd like to frame some of them- because he's such a great artist. I thought I'd share some of our favorites...
He has been drawing cars since January- this one has "a tail".
He brought this one to me this morning on his Magnadoodle
and told me it was a "Chicken and Cookie"! Love it!

Simon calls this one "Fish" but it looks like one of them is
a car. The other drawings do look like fish though.


pjtj said...

Those are definitely frameable! My fav is the car with a tail!

Everything Belongs said...

I can't believe it! He is seriously the next Picasso or something! This is amazing and way beyond 2 years! Unreal! Go Simon!!!!

the masts: justin, jessica, benjamin and philip said...

Thanks for your comment, Rachel! I was starting to think that Benjamin was behind. He can draw lines and circles, but they certainly don't resemble anything!

The Moser Family said...

I love the drawings! Don't just frame them, auction them off to the highest bidder. :) Is this a Miller gene that skipped my branch of the tree? shucks.