Monday, April 30, 2007

Career Changes

OToday I handed in my resignation letter to the school district where I work. It has been a tough decision for Becca and I to make, but we have finally agreed that I will be staying at home with Simon. Soon she will be starting to look for a design job and I will be trying to teach Simon how to take a bottle again. We both look forward to this next chapter in our lives, although it will most likely be a tough transition. I have really grown to like my job and position at my school. The kids have been doing great and have invested a lot into learning to play their instruments. I know I can be replaced fairly easily, but the relationships I have with many of my students cannot be. These relationships are what will make it the hardest for me to move on.
In addition to all of this change, I have also been accepted into graduate studies at DU (University of Denver). When Becca and I started talking about the possibility of my staying home, I started looking at various schools in the area that would accommodate my academic needs as well as my stay-at-home-dad schedule. I'm pleased that DU has both an outstanding program as well as adaptable schedule of evening classes. I received my acceptance letter last week which also announced that I was awarded the Deans Scholarship! I will be studying Curriculum and Instruction with a concentration in aesthetic education and technology. I'm very excited about the wide variety of classes that I can take. And will soon be swamped with reading materials and papers to write. I can't wait!
Becca has been busy readying her updated resume and preparing to get her name out in the design world. She is looking for a very specific type of job, so it'll be nice to have my summer teacher pay while she looks. Meanwhile, she'll teach me all of her little tricks to manage Simon and the house while keeping her sanity.

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