Monday, August 27, 2007

9 months later

Simon is 9 months old! Remembering his very humble beginning, it's amazing to see how far he has come. He is now sitting up on his own and plays vigorously with his toys. He's eating solids three times a day and loves everything he's tried so far (except for the first time he had peas). We are expecting him to crawl any day and his limited mobility is beginning to annoy him. He sees something just out of reach and stretches out until it seems he might fall forward. Just before he does, he leans back into his sitting pose, observes the situation, and tries again. He loves paying attention to small details. Yesterday, I watched him pinch at a french knot on a baby blanket about the size of a lentil for about 10 minutes. That is the stay at home dad equivilant to watching paint dry, but I think he was entertained. Also, Simon woke up from a nap the other day with his second tooth. I don't know how he can be so productive during sleep!

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