Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Christmas Pictures- Only a Month Late!!!

Our Tudor Style gingerbread house. The last time we attempted such a feat was 10 years ago when we were engaged. Why has it taken so long to make another one? I'd like it to become a yearly tradition. Next year, let's do a contest! Anyone want to join?

Simon called it a "cookie house" and thought the chimney tasted the best.

Singing Christmas carols with cousins. It was so sweet it brought tears to my eyes.

Eating supper at the big kids' table. Simon was so proud of this milestone and ate extra mashed potatoes & ham to prove what a big kid he is!

Boys, Boys, Boys!!!

I know, I know... I've already told you all that we're having a boy- but I wanted to include it in our blog as well. I'm super excited to know the gender and be able to plan for him. Yet, last night when Perry and Simon were being "crazy boys" and playing rough and tumble, the realization hit me, "I'm going to be so outnumbered- YIKES!" Ha ha! This will be fun... Also, it's fun to be looking pregnant now, rather than just chubby. I'll have to include pictures next time I've got the chance.

As for "nesting" and gathering everything together for this wee one, it should be pretty easy since we already have Simon's outgrown clothes. I also reworked the bassinet that my friend, Jessica gave me, so it's boy appropriate and found baby boy bedding on sale at Target (b/c Simon's was gender neutral).

Also- a VERY sweet moment to share with you- b/c boys are so sweet. Last night, well past Simon's bedtime, we were watching TV and could hear Simon singing himself back to sleep. Apparently he had gotten up to drink his water and then was taking care of the situation himself... We could hear him singing- to the tune of 'Twinkle, Twinkle'.. "Maggie, Maggie, Mommy, Mommy, Daddy, Daddy, hum, hum, hum" and variations of this. Then the part that really cracked me up was "Broken Eyes... Snowman", because he was reliving the snowman we made that melted and had "broken eyes" when they fell off. Too funny!